New products, new times but the same values..

James Munro Boon
Elephant Branded
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2018


It’s been a while since I last wrote here. To be honest we have been very busy juggling our lives this year while still growing Elephant Branded.

I myself, am getting married this year and Alex just had a new baby so it has been a bit of a crazy year for all of the EB Team. However the good news is it does make your reassess your life and re focus on the core values of why you do what you do.

Back to Cambodia..

Myself with Pry and Mey and their children

I spent some time last month in Cambodia, hanging out with Pry and Mey and working on some new ideas and designs. More to follow in the new year ;-)

It was also great to see how everything was developing all the children had grown up a lot!


As well as developments in Cambodia, we are also delighted to have had some collaborations. Teaming up to make products which fit in with EB’s values and brand while complementing our existing core products.

Over summer I was introduced to Raph. He, like myself, visited Cambodia and fell in love with the country, the people and set up his own social enterprise focusing on supporting ladies in Cambodia to make woven scarfs and products out of high quality cotton fabrics.

After chatting for an hour or so, we decided that we had to do something together and are delighted to be selling a small number of handmade Krama scarfs as part of the EB Wild Range.

Wild Range

We hope you head across to the Elephant Branded site and check them out!

Photo Credit: Krama Heritage

Each Scarf is handmade out of 100% cotton of superior quality.. and helps to donate money towards a local NGO — For a Child’s Smile

Photo Credit: Krama Heritage

why collaborating is good?

While we still plan to focus on our core ranges and EB bags over the coming years, working with similar likeminded social projects allows us to showcase more good that social business can and should do.

If you are still reading this post then you are one of the already social conscious people, however there are still so many people who have no idea what social business is. At Elephant Branded, we want and believe that social business should and can be a force for good and that business which supports and develops local projects while reducing the need for long term aid and donations, has to be a good thing.

More collaborations and EB products to follow!

Thanks for reading!


Diary 16 Nov 2018

Written after a busy day in Hong Kong.

